Wednesday, October 22, 2014


-Pedestrian crossing: zebra crossing
-Sniffing: oler
-"When in Roma, do as romans do": Donde fueres, haz lo que vieres.
-Actually: realmente
-Nowadays: actualmente
-Pins the blame: echar la culpa
-Blur: borroso
-Foggy: nublado


-Baggage claim: carrusel (aeropuerto)                         -Blanket: manta
-Luggage: maletas                                                      -Carry-on: equipaje de mano
-Recline: tumbarte                                                      -Board: embarcar

-Safe and sound: sanos y salvos
-Taking time off from work: tomarse unos días
-Travel arrangements: lo que necesitas para viajar

-Hotel: hotel (more expensive)
-Motel: motel( medium)
-Hostel: hostal (cheaper)

-Living it up: living well or enjoying 
-Railways: carriles/vías
-Hood: short for neighborhood
-Dude: you(colega)
-Alrighty: okey
-That's hecka cool: very cool
-Yo, let's bail!: pirarte
-Call you out: llamar la atención
-That burrito is so bomb!: very good
-Bro, why you putting me on blast? : to embarras someone in public "me estás dejando en ridículo"
-Super awesome!: something is great
-To rock: wear something with style
-Something heavy: very sad