Thursday, January 23, 2014

Social Sciences: Vocabulary unit 4

The European Union
Ombudsman: a goverment official or body who investigates complaints by private citizens against goverment institutions.
Subsidy: a type of financing offered by a goverment.
Weakness: debility
EEC: European Economic Community
Economy of scale: the decrease in unit cost of a product or service resulting from mass production.
Currency: money, coin.
Hetreogeneous: made up of peopleor thing that are different.
Homogeneous: made up of the same kind of people or things.
GDP: Gross Domestic Product = PIB: Producto Interior Bruto
Subsidies: aid, subvention.
Budget: the total amount of money allocated for a specific purpose during a specified period = presupuesto
Investment: amount of money invested = presupuesto
Surplus: a quantity in excess of what is required. = excedente
Shipyards: a place for the building, maintenance, and repair of ships.
Outskirts: bordering areas.
Lack: falta.
Supplies: suministros.
Trade: exchange.
Free movement: the unrestricted movement of goods, services, people and capital in a common market.
Common market: a market based on commmon policies and the free movement of goods, services, people and capital.
Monetary union: the sharing of the same currency between two or more states.
Cohesion: the act of uniting or staying together.
Treaty: a formal agreement between two or more states related to international relations.
Fragmentation: when production processes occur in different phases, in different places.
Development: the act of growing or making progress.
Citizenship: the condition or status of a citizen, with its rights and duties.
Duty: an action that a person is bound to perform for moral or legal reasons.
Funds: the financial resources used by governments or political institutions for a specific purpose.
Skeptical: not convinced that something is true.
Seafaring: travelling by sea
Profitable: producing gain, benefit.
Highway-motorway: a public road that all may use - a main road for fast-moving traffic.
Hierarchy: a body of people in holy orders organized into graded ranks.
CAP: Common Agricultural Policy.
CFP: Common Fisheries Policy.

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